• sales.dept@gwolian.com

Company Philosophy

Company Philosophy


Gwo Lian Culture

• 天道酬勤、勤能補拙
Heaven rewards the diligent.

• 正道、至善、轉化、致用、利眾
Right way, Perfection, Conversion, Practice, Benefit the Public

Management Philosophy

• 節能減碳、污染減廢、新興技術、資源永續
Energy-Saving & Carbon Reduction, Waste Reduction,Emerging Technology, Sustainable Resource
• 創造顧客利益與價值
Create Customers Benefits & value
• 創造股東豐利與資源
Create Shareholders wealth & Resources
• 創造員工富裕與幸福
Create Employee Wealth & Resources
• 創造廠商共生與共榮
Create Manufacturers Coexistence & Mutual Prosperity

Quality Policy

• 不製造不流出不良品
No producing the defective products and No releasingthe defective products out of factory.
• 一次就做對
Do thing right at one time
• 超乎顧客滿意度
Offer Satisfaction Exceeding Customers’ Expectation

Future Vision

• 在亞洲爭第一、在世界比高下
To be no. 1 in Asia & To be more competitive in the World
• 行銷國際50國以上
Marketing over 50 countries.
• 上櫃金融平台快速擴充
OTC Financial Platform rapid expansion.